Jim Bronyaur's Collection of Short Stories

About Jim Bronyaur:
My name is Jim and I sit at a desk in a corner and write horror.  I am a short story writer and a novelist.

There is a great writing community on Twitter called #FridayFlash.  The idea is to post a new flash story on Friday and tweet about it.  There are about 60-70 writers each week that write and it’s give us a chance to meet new writers, read new stories, etc.

I have stopped posting stories for free since the start of 2011 (which a few minor exceptions) as I prepare for my own book releases, etc.  I’ve met so many great people through this short story community and I plan on leaving my stories up forever to give people a chance to sample my writing and enjoy it. 

His views on the short story genre:
And reading short stories… this is the time!  We have e-readers and a chance to publish work at a price that publishers can’t touch.  We are in control, finally.  Let’s face it, some people out there don’t want to read novels.  And why should those people be banished from the beauty of words?  Maybe some people only want to read a short story – 1,000 words.  5,000 words.  Maybe even a novella.  Maybe it’s all they can commit to and maybe it’s all that they want to read.  For me, I say Great!  Everyone should read and what better way to be introduced to a new writer than a short story?  And to me, any writing is writing and any reading is reading.

Read Jim's short stories:


  1. Alain!

    Thanks so much for the chance to be on your site. Sadly, my web site crashed this past week so I am in the process of updating EVERYTHING. I'm not sure what links are working, etc. but here's some links that work:

    http://jimbronyaur.info/?category_name=fridayflash (has my free short stories)


    http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/jimbronyaur (this has links to my two free short story ebooks that were posted as #fridayflash stories, etc.)

    Thanks again! :)

  2. Eesh. Would you like me to leave the link to your site up for when you fix it? Or would you like me to replace it?

  3. "...any writing is writing and any reading is reading."

    Unless it is Twilight. If that were the only book available, I would prefer my kids be illiterate.

  4. Lol. Touche. Someone lent me the book before it even became the horny teenage cult following. I could only get through the first 100 pages before giving up in disgust.

    Months later, I was out with my friend and we saw the second book being featured in a store. I remember very clearly laughing with her and saying "What will the title of the third book be? Dawn?!" Sure enough...


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