Against Her Fading Hour by Isaac Sweeney

About Isaac Sweeney:
I'm the author of three short-story ebooks and one collection of nonfiction essays. The latest of the short story books is titled Against Her Fading Hour. I am also a freelance writer and editor, and I teach in various colleges near my home. I live in Verona, Va., with my wife, son, four dogs, three cats, and bunny.

Why Isaac enjoys the short story genre:
I love short stories. One reason is that I can usually start and finish reading a short story in one sitting. That doesn't mean short stories are without depth or importance; it just means short stories are, well, short. Almost paradoxically, short stories are so compact that I have to read many of them more than once to get the full experience. They are short and content-rich.

As an author, I find short stories challenging to write. I spend a lot of time revising my stories, often cutting and cutting and cutting. I want my stories to contain as much as possible with as few words as possible. I subscribe to the William Strunk notion that "Vigorous writing is concise." This is going to be a strange and varied list, but some of my favorite short story authors are Flannery O'Connor, Steve Almond, Sherman Alexie, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Stephen King.

Summary of this work:

Against Her Fading Hour is a small collection of three short stories, all from women's perspectives.
In "Handi-Cure," Elisa is a widow looking for acceptance in the world. She tries to find it in men but, after an unusual experience in a nail salon, she makes personal changes.

“Urine Trouble Now” is about a young couple and their overly anxious cat. The cat pees on the floor, which brings up details about the couple's relationship.

In “Lemonade Nights,” after Marco's father dies, he burns down the backyard shed in a fit of rage. Feeling guilty, he decides to rebuild the shed. His wife, Emma, likes having a husband who is good with his hands, but soon feels lonely as Marco spends more and more time on his project.

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