Author interview: Daphne Coleridge

How did you become interested in short stories?
I became interested in writing short stories after I was invited to contribute a short horror story to the The KUF Book of Halloween Horrors on Kindle Users Forum (UK). I loved the challenge of developing characters and a dramatic scenario sufficiently to engage the interest of the reader in a short piece of prose.

As an author, do you think writing short stories is worthwhile? Why?
Short stories, at their best, are little jewels capable of introducing a diverting story, a moral dilemma or an informative narrative in a small package that will attract even readers with very little time. The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a good example of a classic short story with a powerful impact.

What types of short story promotion have worked for you?
Even more than my romantic novellas, I have found my short mystery stories have established a momentum of their own: readers enjoy an engaging short story.

What types of short story promotion have not worked for you?
To date, no negative experiences. I have put up banners on Kindle Boards promoting my short stories and they have been followed by steady sales.

Do you consider 99 cents to be a fair price for a standalone short story? Why or why not?
Very short stories (I have read and enjoyed some of only a hundred words) should be put in a little collection at this price. A longer story of perhaps 12000 words would stand alone. When it comes to writing, size definitely isn’t everything: if the stories are entertaining or thought provoking the reader will be enjoying value for money.

Check out Daphne's short stories:
Three Mysteries on Amazon
The Claresby Mystery on Amazon


  1. " I have found my short mystery stories have established a momentum of their own: readers enjoy an engaging short story."

    I am so glad that you added this. It's very refreshing to see. So often, I think, authors get caught up in a whirlwind of advertising. Often we forget to just let some natural growth occur.


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