Short Stories Elicit Reactions
Art should elicit a reaction out of you. Even if you hate a movie or painting or book, it's still a memorable experience in its own way. The worst possible thing an artist can be is forgettable. One thing that really has interested me as I continue to write short stories is how people react to them. I've received 1 star through 5 stars as a rating. In terms of feedback I've had the scathing one sentence and I had a review that was nearly as long as the story itself outlining all of its merits. Flattering or insulting, it doesn't bother me. All I ever ask for is an honest opinion. Honestly. However, what seems to upset most people is the length. In all the good reviews I've ever received, the reviewer tends to focus on the story itself. The reviews that are not so positive or just plain lukewarm almost always stem from the length of the story. On several (yes, more than once) occasions, I have received feedback saying that t...