July 2011 short story sales

Read the previous months here.

Wow.  July was rough month sales-wise.  This is my first summer season where I've had stories up for sale.  I've talked to some other more established novel writing authors and they said it's usually pretty common for their monthly sales to drop as much as 30% in the summer months.

30% ?!?

For someone with measly sales like mine a 30% drop takes me to almost zero!  I guess people are less inclined to read in the summer and more interested in going outside to enjoy the weather.  Barbarians.

Anyway... here are my spectacular under 10k short story numbers for July:

Amazon (US/UK/DE):
         # of works:  13
         # of sales:  5

        # of works:  13
        # of sales:  3

One interesting thing to note:  3 of my 5 Amazon sales were for my shortest standalone short story.  The Sacrifice clocks in at a mere 1,000 words.  It has also been out the longest.  Is this significant?!  Who knows?


  1. As of last month I had 4 short stories for sale at Amazon & Smashwords. I sold my first at Amazon last month; no sales at Smashwords.

    I also have two shorts free at SW. I has become my second-most downloaded/sampled ebook there (101). The second is in fifth place with 78, far ahead of sixth (my second collection) with 28. The numbers increase by 1 to 3 each week. Hasn't moved ebooks; maybe I am getting readers...

  2. Oooo... I may have to start listing Smashwords soon. I FINALLY did the premium catalog thing last month. So when Smashwords updated, I saw that I actually did sell a copy of my novella in the Apple store.

    We'll see if the short stories pick up in the Apple store. But because of their reporting there will be a month delay.

  3. By last month I mean June. Crikey, we're on August already...


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