Review of "A Very Hairy Adventure" by Tracey Alley

The first of a series of short stories outlining the history of some of the Witchcraft Wars various characters.

In this tale Slade, Wulfstan, Ursula and Ming are young recruits looking for mischief and adventure. When they hear about a marauding werewolf attacking local farmers the young teens decide this is exactly the kind of adventure they're looking for... but when face to face with the monster will the teens be able to prevail?

A fun, action-packed adventure tale for teens and adults alike.

This is a wonderful fantasy short story specifically targeted for a young adult audience.  I actually brought up on my blog some time ago the idea that short stories could help interest children/teens in reading because they're accessible.  This story is exactly that.  It's engaging, fun and fast.

I really like that the author set up the framework for a series following these four young protagonists.  There are many hints dropped of a greater world to be explored.  The action has good pacing and the characters are likable.

The only complaint I really have about the story is that sometimes the author falls into the trap of spelling things out a little too much.  This is great for longer works, but in the short story format "show me, don't tell me" is the best rule of thumb.

A highly recommended read to anyone who enjoys light, young-adult fantasy.  But I would particularly recommend this as a good literary introduction to young teens who may not care for reading.  There is a little violence in this story but nothing compared to what is seen in most PG-13 movies these days.  I am very much looking forward to reading part two of this series.

3.5/5 stars
Reviewed by Alain Gomez


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