Author interview: Selene Coulter

How did you become interested in short stories?
I am self-taught reader and started with a cookbook, of all things, at the age of 3. (Aside: probably the first and last time I picked one up!) I then progressed onto a steady diet of Andersen, Grimm and Greek myths. Nothing has ever captured my imagination like those tales of old, so when I started writing as an adult, I couldn't help but want to imitate that which captured my imagination as a child. 

As an author, do you think writing short stories is worthwhile?  Why?
Absolutely. As traditionally published books increase in length, so the attention span of the younger (and in some cases older) generations wane. The old cliche 'time is money' has also never been more relevant. A reader's time is incredibly precious. As a writer, I believe the only way to address the growing disinterest in reading is to find a formula where x+y=z, where x is something worthwhile to say, y is how long it takes for a writer to say it, and z is a positive outcome for the reader. That formula, on many occasions, is best met with a short story.

What types of short story promotion have worked for you?
I've been published for less than a week so I can only really say, 'watch this space'. Certainly participating in the Smashwords promo hasn't hurt as hopefully all 41 copies of my short story I've given away will be read and enjoyed. 

What types of short story promotion have not worked for you?
I am hoping to do  follow-up in a year and tell you 'none', however, I am sure I'll have something to add to this topic down the road...

Do you consider 99 cents to be a fair price for a standalone short story?  Why or why not?
The true answer to this question is really another question: What's a fair price? As an economist, I can wax on about the likes of supply and demand until the cows come home. As a writer, I value a story that has something to say. I may hate what it tells me. I may think long and hard about what it tells me. I may love how it makes me feel for that moment and an hour afterwards. If a story can touch your mind, your emotions, or encapsulate something about who you are, then it sure as hell equates to a price of  a can of coke (and quite frankly more).

Check out Selene's work on Amazon US

Or find her on Amazon UK


  1. Great interview!
    Thanks for this Selene!

    LOVE that last line easpecially!

    Shana Hammaker
    METAMORPHOSIS, Twelve Terrifying Tales for 2011

  2. What about TWO cans of Coke...? HMM...???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. TWO cans, you ask? That's a heck of a sugar buzz to try and equal with some writing.

    Thank you again for being awesome enough to have me on your blog. If a day should come that I am a 'success', I will look back on my first interview with fondness, and be forever glad that it was about writing my favourite medium.

  5. And remember, if you're a success, there was no "I" and team and every great author would be nothing without the support of a random blog. Jk. =p


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