Review of "The Memory Man," a short story by Helen Smith
Summary: The Memory Man is an intriguing new short story from bestselling British author Helen Smith. Two women become friends in an abandoned post-apocalyptic building. A psychic makes contact with a lost soul. His apprentice tries to find news of a man he has lost touch with. Fragments of memories are traded and twisted. Friendship provides comfort, but the recovery of memories brings torment rather than reassurance - until truth becomes secondary to survival. Review: I can't help but like Smith's style. Even after ruthlessly throwing her characters into a grim situation the tone of the story always remains cheeky. This allowed me to instantly connect with the characters and feel genuinely interested in their fates in a comparatively short space of time. I would say that, as a whole, I liked The Memory Man . But it did seem to suffer from one major flaw: transitions. Not quite enough attention went into providing backdrop for the tale. ...