"Parking Space" by Alain Gomez
“This place makes absolutely no sense.” “Tell me about it. And I have no idea who we could even talk to for directions.” “Pull our options up on the screen. We need to figure out who would be the best representative.” “Just a moment… hmm… all right here’s a complete list… I think.” “What about Russia? They seem to have the most land.” “But not the most people.” “Good point. Why do they need so much land then?” “Beats me.” “Ok it looks like this place called China has the most people and the biggest military.” “But not the most militaristic. Look at this number here. Korea has fewer people but more of those people are signed up to be soldiers.” “Is that important?” “Maybe? This species is always always fighting. Maybe we need to find the best warrior among them?” “That sort of makes sense. However, they must not be very good warriors. Not one of them has managed to conquer the entire planet. Earth isn’t that big.” “Fairly small, actually. Do you reme...