SFWG Speculative Fiction Competition!

We at SFWG are happy to announce our first Speculative Fiction Competition!

Submission Guidelines:

  • Entries have a limit of 5,000 words. Stories beyond that will not be considered.
  • Stories may be previously published.
  • The genre is restricted to speculative fiction (fantasy, horror, or science fiction).
  • Entries will be accepted beginning on November 12, 2012.
  • Entry Deadline: December 1, 2012.
  • All submissions should be sent as a PDF attachment to shortfictionwriters@gmail.com with “SFWG Contest” as the subject.

We will announce the winners by the end of the year.  For more details check out the website:  http://shortfictionwritersguild.wordpress.com/contests/speculative-fiction-competition/

First Place: Will be featured on the SFWG Blog, announced on various forums and websites, included in a future Anthology (with your approval), given an SFWG logo and winner image that can be used on your book cover, and receive a free original cover art design from C.C. Kelly Studios (valued at $300) for your next short fiction project.

Second Place: Will be featured on the SFWG Blog and announced on various forums and websites.

Third Place: Will be featured on the SFWG Blog and announced on various forums and websites.


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