Review of "Christmas Past," a short story by Owen Adams
Summary: The Time Travel story with a dark side. A man died while the snow fell. His body would be hidden until summer, but there are strangers in the woods today. During a long forgotten Christmas, three time travellers come to town; is their presence just a coincidence or are there darker secrets hidden beneath the ice. Review: An interesting time travel piece that has a classic cult sci-fi feel. I really enjoyed Adams' style of writing. He spoon-feeds you details in a way that keeps one engaged throughout the story. His descriptions are sparse yet concise. It doesn't take long to form the complete scenario in your mind. The story unfolds at a nice pace, becoming more and more intriguing with each page turn. Who are the time travelers? What do they want from the man they were trying to track down? And then.... it just ends. Vague inferences are made on what the protagonists are up to, but not e...