Review of "Never Chase Space Potatoes with Teenage Girls," a short story by Mack Moyer
Summary: Mike takes his dying mother to a desolate island resort, eagerly awaiting his inheritance once the old gal kicks the bucket, then finds himself in the company of a beautiful teenage girl. Naturally, Mike and his new friend are visited by what could only be described as the cutest space potato of all time. Review: Moyer's short could be summarized with one word: trippy. Whether or not this works entirely boils down to taste. A reader could find this story amusing just as easily as he could find it ridiculous. I found myself favoring the amused side of the spectrum. It was weird and random but I couldn't help but smile as I read about killer potatoes. My only gripe was the the story felt just a tad too fluffy. It would have been nice if it was a little bit more about a bitter son waiting for his mom to die and less about a drug trip. I feel like it would have made the twist at the end more profound. Regardless, it's a fun,...