Balancing Act
It's not easy balancing publishing me with author me. Essentially, balancing what makes money with experimental stuff. Starting a new series in a new genre is fun for the author me but it's always a risky decision. You're stuck with the series until the end and if turns out to have low sales numbers, it's time wasted that could have been spent writing something that was more certain to make money. But money isn't everything. Even if the new series never sells, it's still valuable writing experience. The more action scenes you write, the better you become at writing them. Every word that is put on a page teaches you more about the craft of writing which, in turn, will actually make your books sell better. Genre isn't everything. It can attract your audience but it can't make them buy the rest of your work. Your work has to sell your work. To keep me from neglecting pen names and to keep my inner author and publisher happy, I...