Review of "The Movie Maker," a single story in a collection by Chris Turner
Summary: A collection of ten gripping speculative fiction tales: . . . a gang of teens discover clues to their heritage and unsettling facts about their backward world . . . a university student develops an innovation to revolutionize the holographic film industry . . . alien pirates compel a pilot to know what it means to be alien . . . a hybrid man struggles for freedom on a mining planet . . . solar power in the new age is in jeopardy . . . and more! Review: Brace yourself for an elaborate food metaphor because I really feel this is the best way to describe how I feel about "The Movie Maker." Here it goes: When you read a good book it's like having a three course meal. You know you're in it for the long haul and a lot has to go in how each courses will mix with each other. A good short story, on the other hand, needs to be like a perfect one-bite snack. A lot of thought and care needs to go into what you're putting on that one crack...